After you have selected us as your certification partner, we will conduct a phone interview with you to determine the state of your readiness, as well as consult you about the certification process. It is important that you have full information about the system before you get into auditing.
To formally begin a certification, an application from you will be required (we will send you a form). An auditor will then be assigned, taking into consideration factors such as geographic location, industry knowledge, and scope experience.
The following outlines general steps of the certification process. It is as easy as 1 – 2 – 3.
Step 1 – documentation review
Our auditor compares your documented system with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard. Documentation must be approved before certification can be granted. The document review is normally conducted on-site but may be conducted off-site.
Step 2 – pre-assessment (optional)
We conduct a “pre-assessment” designed to prepare you for the actual ISO certification assessment. During this step areas of concern are identified up front and addressed. In other words, you have an opportunity to correct the weaknesses in the system that we discover.
Step 3 – Assessment
We conduct a full-scale on-site audit, upon completion of which, the auditor generates an audit report identifying any non-conformances (NCR) to the ISO standard. Based on this report, the auditor formalizes a decision of whether your management system conforms to the ISO standard in it’s day to day operations.
Upon successful completion of the certification process, we issue a conformity certificate, which you can proudly display on your website and in your marketing materials.